Wednesday, November 15, 2023

River Nira Meander

 So near Pune, yet I had never been to this location near Bhor.

It is popularly known as necklace point. The river Nira loops its way through the countryside forming a series of lovely meanders. A high point overlooking the valley allows a clear view of this feature. 

I was on a drive with some friends, spending the day exploring the back waters of the Bhatgar and Nira Deogarh dams. We eventually reached Warandha Ghat, one of the spectacular passes linking the Deccan Plateau with the western coastal plain. 

At the edge of the plateau, high relief exposes sheer rock faces. 

The grand scale of Deccan Volcanism is manifest so clearly in the lava flows traceable over hundreds of meters despite the afternoon haze.

On a satellite image, X marks the view point looking south towards the big meander.  

This is a beautiful area near Pune to spend a day out.

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