My Whatsapp profile description says, "what's a few million years here and there".
It is a tongue in cheek acknowledgment of the vast spans of time geologists often have to contend with. If I am studying a rock that formed more than a billion years ago, a 5 to 10 million year uncertainty in nailing down its exact time of formation is acceptable. Uncertainty in estimating the time of formation may occur due to our as yet not so perfect understanding of the decay rate of various radioactive isotopes being used for dating, or due to limits of sensitivity of the instruments measuring the radioactive isotopes in the mineral. We are making great strides in measurement techniques with a 0.1 % accuracy now achievable.
Sedimentary rocks are harder to date than igneous rocks since minerals with radioactive elements rarely form in them at the time of their deposition (some limestones and black shales are exceptions). Often, using some indirect methods we can bracket their maximum and minimum age. Take the example of the Alwar Group sedimentary rocks which occur in the northern Aravalli mountains in Rajasthan. They are estimated to have been deposited sometime between 2.1 billion years ago and 1.8 billion years ago, an uncertainty of 300 million years! We know from our understanding of sediment accumulation processes that deposition was not uniformly spread out over the 300 million years. Rather, the sequence of sediments would have been deposited in discrete pulses lasting 10 to 20 million years, separated by long phases of non-deposition.
Amazingly, even though we don't know exactly when during the 300 million year interval these sediments came to be deposited, we can track fairly accurately what was happening then on a daily basis. Some strata of the Alwar Group are of shallow marine origin. As the daily tide flooded in and ebbed, a thin layer of sand was deposited during each of these high energy phases. During the slack phase in between, a thin layer of mud was deposited. Stacks of these tidal bundles made of a sand and mud couplet record the passage of daily tides. Observing the stacking pattern closely reveals even more details. Sets of bundles of thicker sand-mud couplets alternate with sets of thinner bundles. Each set formed during alternating spring (thick layers) and neep tide (thin layers) cycles.
We can interpret the ancient record by comparing the patterns with those forming today in different settings. The principle "present is the key to the past" is used with some caution, but it works well in this case.
Such tidal rhythmites are fairly common in the geologic record. The pictures to the left is a section of a core from Cretaceous age sediments laid down in an estuary. The sedimentary section is made up of sets of thicker silt layers capped by a darker mud layer, overlain by a set of thinner silt and mud couplets. Each silt layer represents deposition during the flood or ebb tide. During the slack period, stirred up organic rich mud settled down. Again, we don't know the exact age of the rock to a certainty of few hundred thousand years, but we can track daily events. Image source: G. Shanmugan; AAPG Bulletin v. 84, 2000.
Speaking of tides, the earth's rotation is slowing down due to tidal friction. Marine organisms like corals, brachiopods, and clams build a calcium carbonate skeleton to house their soft tissues. Their shell grows by a daily addition of a thin mineral layer. Geologists have studied the pattern of skeleton growth of Paleozoic corals. Besides daily growth bands, they can identify seasons too, as corals lay down thicker bands during the dry season and thinner bands during the wet phase. The number of days in the year are estimated by counting the number of daily bands in each season. It turns out that there were about 420 days in a year during the early and middle Silurian (between 443 million to 419 million years ago). By middle Devonian (roughly 370 million years ago), some 50 million years later, the number of days had reduced to about 410. Using bivalve shells, scientists estimate that there were 370 days in a year by Late Cretaceous times (about 80 to 70 million years ago).
There are other examples closer to our own existence on earth of natural rhythms being preserved in rock. Geologists and climate experts routinely use mineral bands in cave stalagmites to understand variations in rainfall. A recent study by Gayatri Kathayat and colleagues from Uttarakhand, North India, reveals details of the course of Indian monsoons over thousands of years, mapping dry and wet phases lasting few centuries each. Despite an uncertainty of a few decades in the absolute age of each layer, it gives us a broad picture of climate change through the Holocene.
We accept the fuzziness of our estimates of the age of an event while being able to sharply resolve the changes
taking place in that cloud of uncertainty.
I could have named this post "Ode to Laminae", an appreciation of thin layers that form in tune with earth cycles and which preserve in their layering valuable information on ancient tides, earth moon dynamics, changing of seasons, and longer term climate change. I just thought the title of the post and the paper it refers to is better click bait.
Sometime in the Late Miocene (about 10 million years ago, what's a few tens of thousands of years here and there) a giant clam living on the western margin of the Makassar Strait (Indonesia) built a shell with daily growth increments. I will post the entire abstract of the paper below so you can get an idea of the details of ocean conditions scientists can tease out today with sophisticated instrumentation.
Iris Arndt, 20,000 days in the life of a giant clam reveal late Miocene tropical climate variability.
Giant clams (Tridacna) are well-suited archives for studying past climates at (sub-)seasonal timescales, even in ‘deep-time’ due to their high preservation potential. They are fast growing (mm-cm/year), live several decades and build large aragonitic shells with seasonal to daily growth increments. Here we present a multi-proxy record of a late Miocene Tridacna that grew on the western margin of the Makassar Strait (Indonesia). By analysing daily elemental cycle lengths using our recently developed Python script Daydacna, we build an internal age model, which indicates that our record spans 20,916 ± 1220 days (2 SD), i.e. ∼57 ± 3 years. Our temporally resolved dataset of elemental ratios (El/Ca at sub-daily resolution) and stable oxygen and carbon isotopes (δ18O and δ13C at seasonal to weekly resolution) was complemented by dual clumped isotope measurements, which reveal that the shell grew in isotopic equilibrium with seawater. The corresponding Δ47 value yields a temperature of 27.9 ± 2.4 °C (2 SE) from which we calculate a mean oxygen isotopic composition of late Miocene tropical seawater of −0.43 ± 0.50 ‰. In our multi-decadal high temporal resolution records, we found multi-annual, seasonal and daily cycles as well as multi-day extreme weather events. We hypothesise that the multi-annual cycles (slightly above three years) might reflect global climate phenomena like ENSO, with the more clearly preserved yearly cycles indicating regional changes of water inflow into the reef, which together impact the local isotopic composition of water, temperature and nutrient availability. In addition, our chronology indicates that twice a year a rainy and cloudy season, presumably related to the passing of the ITCZ, affected light availability and primary productivity in the reef, reflected in decreased shell growth rates. Finally, we find irregularly occurring extreme weather events likely connected to heavy precipitation events that led to increased runoff, high turbidity, and possibly reduced temperatures in the reef.
Tell me geology isn't the coolest field of study.